2010-2012 Penn Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Vea Extra Virgin


This Early Harvest oil is produced from the 100% Arbequina olives used for Vea's Lerida olive oil.
It is harvested by hand during the first 4 days of the harvest, before they have fully ripened while they are still young and green.
The olives, once picked, are taken to the mill within hours where they are examined for any cuts or bruises that may have oxidized the fruit.
Only pristine fruit is accepted for oil production.
The oil is then extracted using state of the art methods that allow for an extremely cold press and reduced exposure to light and oxygen, which can damage the oil.
The result is beautiful green and fruity oil, fragrant from the young olives with the same distinctively nutty flavor and buttery texture of the rest of Vea's oils.