2010-2012 Penn Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222


Mortadella Plain: Lb


Produced and packaged by Leoncini-Via Confine, 4-Cola di Lazise (VR)-Italy.
Sliced paper thin it makes for a great Antipasto as well as a excellent base for the famous Muffaletta sandwich.
Lb Sliced
Rich in flavor and suave in texture, plain mortadella is a perfect staple for any Italian sandwich.
Mortadella was first created by the monks of Bologna and Modena centuries ago.
They softened fresh uncooked pork for hours by hammering it in large porcelain bowls called mortaios.
After adding a mixture of spices, the monks would pack the blended spices into casings for slow baking in wood-fired oven.
Adapted for today, mortadella still has the same great taste with an affordable price tag.