Crodino 10Pk:Biondo Aperitivo
:L'Analcolico Biondo Crodino100ml Glass Btls-10pk Conservare al riparo dalla luce solare e lontano da sorgenti di calore
Ingredienti: acqua, zucchero, infusi di erbe aromatiche ed aromi (incluso chinino), anidride carbonica, acidificante acido citrico, cloruro di sodio, coloranti.
The Non-Alcoholic Blond Crodino
10 Bottles: Keep away from sunlight and away from heat sources
Ingredients: water, sugar, infused with herbs and spices (including quinine), carbon dioxide, acidifier citric acid, sodium chloride, dyes.
*Crodino is an Italian beverage that is used as an aperitif. As an aperitif, Crodino is said to be a cure all drink that relieves stomach problems, cures a headache, relies bloating, creates energy and even the common cold. Try it at home and decide for yourself.