2010-2012 Penn Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222


Anchovy Stuffed Olives: SBOC


Santa Barbara Brand: For your next dinner party, why not serve some stuffed olives?
The endless flavor combinations provided by these stuffed treats will keep everyone’s taste buds happy.
The Santa Barbara Olive Company makes wonderful anchovy stuffed olives that we here at Penn Mac are proud to offer you!
5oz Dried Weight Glass

The Santa Barbara Olive Company uses Manzanilla olives as the base.
These great olives are stuffed with minced anchovies that are native to the Mediterranean region.
5oz Glass
Manzanilla olives are Spanish olives that fall into the small to medium size range. They have a rich flavor that is not bitter and they contain antioxidant properties.

Even if you think you don’t like anchovies because they have tasted too strong in the past (on pizza, for example), give these stuffed olives a try. The anchovy flavor is subtle and it won’t overpower your palate. The green olive contrasts with the anchovy for a perfect balance of flavors. No wonder it’s one of Spain’s most popular stuffed olive varieties! For best flavor results, serve this olive chilled. For some sophisticated charm, it’s the perfect addition to hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. And keep in mind, an anchovy stuffed olive is the key ingredient in the Fisherman’s martini!